Sunday, August 22, 2010

John Wayne Wears Pink

"Real men ... avoid purple and pink like the plague."
"John Wayne once said, 'I’m the stuff men are made of.'  America needs more John Waynes."

So ... this is awkward, to say the least. I just obliterated JOTUS' argument by finding a picture of John Wayne wearing pink. It wasn't that hard either. A simple Google search of the supposedly masculine actor and the picture was the fourth result. I didn't even have to click on the images section, it came up in the links. So I really don't have to keep countering JOTUS' argument, but I will.

I don't know what America JOTUS is living in, but I don't see a shortage of "American Men". Surely some men do wear V-necks and skinny jeans, but don't blame the feminists. Statistics show that some men are less masculine than others, based on the distribution of hormones. JOTUS is confusing hypermasculinity for masculinity, so normal masculinity seems feminine. Her frame of reference is skewed. I challenge her to observe a sample of 50 men and find how many men are an Adam Lambert on the masculinity scale and how many men are a John Wayne on the scale; the number of men on the extreme sides of the scale should be the same. Its called the bell curve.

Naturally, JOTUS finds a way to scapegoat a group she disagrees with for no reason, the feminists. Without them she couldn't vote for her wing-nut teabaggers. Her examples of suppressing masculinity are weak at best. School PE classes can have very competitive games, and I don't really understand JOTUS' other examples. I feel like she didn't even give examples. You can't just dictate the end result without demonstrating the process that turned men into whatever you think they are turning into.

And it would be great if JOTUS read her sources. After performing a simple search on the Eagle Forum, I found this, an explanation for the disparity between male and female ratios in college. JOTUS Should Have Read This.

Maybe Hollywood is projecting a societal trend towards individualism for females. Maybe females are demonstrating their dislike for guys. Maybe Snooki was right when she gave us insight into why the lesbian rate is going up. Or maybe they're just movies. I could find two movies about anything and use it as evidence for nothing.

And while it is disturbing that 40% of all babies born in the U.S. were born to unwed mothers, that does not mean that the babies' fathers are not there. Just because the parents are not married, it does not mean they are separated.

And as far as those skinny jeans go, Elvis, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Ramones, and Guns N' Roses all donned them at some time.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Black Canadians You Should Know

While the Tea Party continues to be racist, and no it is not another liberal conspiracy, I present you three Black Canadians you should know.

Grant Fuhr. The Hall of Famer NHL goaltender was among the best of his era. His accomplishments include five Stanley Cup championships with the Edmonton Oilers, and six All-Star game appearances. He is only one half black, but that is still blacker than most Canadians. And yes, that's Wayne Gretzky pictured alongside him.

Malcolm Gladwell. Ever since his first book The Tipping Point was released in 2000, Gladwell has been stunning audiences with his reporting on subjects ranging from psychology to success. He currently writes for the New Yorker, and Time recognized him on their 100 most influential people in 2005. The University of Waterloo (shoutout to Lucas Woj.) presented him with an honourary degree in 2007. Gladwell is half Jamaican, which means he is pretty black for North American standards.

Drake. The hip-hop entertainer has enjoyed recent success with his release of So Far Gone and Thank Me Later. Born in Toronto to a black father and a white Jewish mother, Drake has been criticized for being out of touch with hip-hop because he is a) Canadian and b) half white. But let's be reasonable here, those are things he cannot control and the only mistake he ever made was associating himself with Lil Wayne.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Only Time the World Cup Seemed Pure ... Was When Americans Won

The World Cup recently finished with a less than exciting 1-0 match that left Spain on top. Despite the impressive ratings in the United States, Jane Gilvary believes soccer is a sport that should remain to be outside our borders. "Call me xenophobic," she says,  "but I’m tired of hearing that soccer is the most popular sport in the world and that the U.S. needs to adopt it." Well, soccer is the most popular sport in the world. There is no doubt about it.

As far as people who want the United States to join in, I believe only Americans would enjoy that. Think about it; who would really want the United States to consume their game and spit it out as its own? Nobody, besides Americans that is. Gilvary adds "like the European metric system, Americans will never fully embrace soccer." Now thats an argument worth having. Not only is the metric system European, its Earthean. Everybody uses metric, save the United States, Liberia, and Myanmar. Ask most Americans how many pints are in a quart, and the answers will vary. Even I couldn't tell you off the top of my head. Ask anybody how many millilitres are in a litre and you will get the same answer just about every time, one thousand.

But anyways, back to soccer. When the World Cup was played in America, suddenly the game became "exciting, pure, and refreshing". She is implying that soccer interest sprung up Stateside for only that reason, and that the game changed just for this one tournament. Actually, its far more likely that interest was because the tournament was played in America, and the games seemed better because they ended with favorable results. Isn't a Super Bowl held in Phoenix far more exciting for Arizonians than other Super Bowls, even if the Cardinals are not playing? And why would she expect the Union to sell out games at the Linc when it took an international tournament to do so in the past?

"The girls of summer played soccer as it should be played, with no dramatic 'diving' to gain sympathy from the referees—they played to win.  Their technical play was flawless and their passion was exhilarating." Ironic that an American who claims to be no fan of soccer notes how purely the game was played when the Americans win.

Let me mention how two of the twenty members were moms at the time of the tournament. Sixteen would have children after or no children at all. Information on the remaining two was not available. Gilvary really stretches the meaning of "Soccer Moms" to mean "Almost none of them had kids, but they were women and they did play soccer."

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Nothing is Timeless

Wilder Publications recently added a disclaimer to its publication of the United States Constitution. It reads "This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today.  Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relationships have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work.” Pretty harmless, eh?

Apparently not so. This seemingly harmless statement has created outrage among Conservatives. They claim the Constitution is timeless and flawless. But it is far from that. Times change, people change, values change. The American people need to ask themselves, is the Constitution appropriate for the freedoms desired today? Does "We the People" mean literally "We the People", or should it be taken in its original context as white men? Does the right to bear arms mean I can have a missile launcher in my backyard? While a question like that may seem silly, arms are arms, whether pistols or high-tech missiles. To quote Glenn Beck, "I'm just asking questions." Not to mention that Wilder Publications places this disclaimer on all works it publishes.

If Progressivism, a movement to reform the ills of society, is cancer, then what is Conservatism? It certainly can't be less harmful than cancer. After all, it is trying to hinder improvement. Conservatism is nothing short of a degenerative disease, peeling away at the opportunities for America to do what she does best: improve. It won't be long until India and China surpass the United States as the leading nations of the world if Conservatives continue to limit her.

I think the Constitution is one of the greatest documents ever written. It ensures me my liberties and my freedoms. But that doesn't mean that the Founding Fathers who created this document could foreshadow the modern world. This is why amendments are necessary. If you are going to challenge the validity of statements questioning the Constitution, you might as well ask why any amendments to the Constitution were necessary.

And quoting Lincoln as a preserver of the Constitution is quite ironic. He himself challenged the Constitution by suspending Habeas Corpus during the Civil War. But I guess its alright to omit a fact like that if it compromises your entire argument.

Habeas Corpus fact provided by M. Patrick Morgioni.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Let Him Be

Recently Paul McCartney visited the White House to accept an award and play for the First Family. As usual, Conservatives found a way to spin that into complaints about taxes and big government. Jane Gilvary of JOTUS seemed to have a problem with McCartney's joke about former president George W. Bush's intelligence and how Obama responded.

Even if McCartney did offend the current President, Obama acted the only way he could. It is not his job to call out his guest of honour, especially in such an occasion. Did you honestly expect the President to embarrass Sir Paul McCartney? There is no way to rectify such a situation, so the President was forced to accept the artist's comments.

Also, Gilvary thinks that Obama admires McCartney because neither of them were born in the United States. That logic is severely flawed in two ways: Obama was born in the United States, and foreigners don't necessarily sympathize. Especially coming from a grown adult, claiming that Obama was born outside the United States is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. Oh by the way, the Tea Party also told me that McCartney was born in Kenya. Second, strangers don't connect based on what they are not, they connect through common trait.

Obama admires McCartney because he was a prominent member of the most famous band in history. End of story. And as far as the "Taxman" goes, taxes have not gone up for 95% of families under Obama.

Gilvary also tries to provide a British equivalent, which is as flawed as her argument. If Michael Jackson were to be knighted by Queen Elizabeth, he would need a time machine to travel to the late 1500's. I think you mean Queen Elizabeth II. Good thing the Bulletin didn't publish this one.

Gilvary cites Bush's education as a strong point. The fact is, Bush gained admission into Harvard and Yale not because of his brilliance, but because his family attended there. The Universities wanted his family's money. There is no shortage of "Bushisms" that expose why society would view him as stupid. So when McCartney makes a joke about his intelligence, don't get defensive claiming how smart he is. An MBA from Harvard means nothing if he didn't earn it, like a non-celebrity student would. Besides, he is fortunate enough getting to serve as President after not being elected.

Even more egregious than Sir McCartney getting the prestigious Gershwin Prize because of illicit drug use is having George Bush elected to the prestigious President of the United States position after illicit drug use. Oh wait ... he didn't actually win.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Canadiens and Canadians

As the NHL Playoffs continue, Flyers fans all throughout Philadelphia have been getting hyped. After barely making the playoffs, the Broad Street Bullies bulldozed the New Jersey Devils and scraped by the Boston Bruins. Many hockey fans, like myself, were stunned when they learned how far the Flyers have advanced.

But their opponent has a more compelling story. On the very last day of the regular season, the Montreal Canadiens clinched their playoff spot. The Habs proceeded to upset the favorites in game 7's; they beat both the Washington Capitals and Pittsburgh Penguins who were expected to go far in the playoffs. And that is how we find ourselves with two great hockey cities playing for a berth in the Stanley Cup Finals.

After the Flyers readily beat the Canadiens in games one and two, many Flyers fans made some outrageous claims. Things such as "Canadians suck at hockey" emerged. There are two huge fallacies with this claim:
a. You might mean the Canadiens, and  b. Canadians are amazing at hockey. Spelling Canadiens that way is a tribute to the French heritage in Quebec. Next time you want to distinguish the hockey team from the people as a whole, use the French spelling.

And if you do mean that Canadians suck at hockey, that is probably the dumbest thing you have ever said. Canadians invented, played, and perfected hockey. 52% of NHL players are Canadian. Most of the Flyers stars such as Gagne, Briere, Carter, and Leighton are Canadian.

So you can say the Canadiens suck at hockey all you want, they are just a hockey team. But it would be foolish to say Canadians suck at hockey, and we have quite a few gold medals to back that up.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

We the People

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." - Preamble to the United States Constitution

The Constitution. The Supreme Law of the Land. Sometimes I wonder, is the America today the same as the Founding Fathers pictured it to be. Sure they could never have predicted the technologies of today, but would they have wanted this country to be ruled by the rich, the corporations, and mainly by one religious denomination?

It greatly upsets me when people claim the Constitution to be something it is not. It is not a protector of capitalism or free enterprise. Also, in no place does it prevent socialism. So when Jane Gilvary claims President Obama has " trampled and spat upon our Constitution" after socializing medicine, what is she trying to say?

Well, this only supports the hypocrisy Gilvary lives by. Claiming socialized medicine is against the Constitution is not an opinion or interpretation of the document, it completely contradicts what the Constitution states. When the Founding Fathers included "promote the general welfare" of the Union, I don't think they meant "promote the general welfare for only the middle and upper classes". They meant We the people, all of us, every single one of us. In fact, if any of them were alive today, they might denounce even Obama's plan. Obama's plan is barely socialistic, and a one plan system would be a better way to promote the general welfare.

Also, she is a close follower of Jesus and his teachings. Bible Quote Time:
"Jesus looked at him and loved him. 'One thing you lack,' he said. 'Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." - Mark 10:21
Jesus is obviously preached socialism and was anti-capitalist. So when you declare Obama is unjustly spreading the wealth, then go to Church and praise Jesus, you are engaging in some serious hypocrisy.

Gilvary also finds it important that Obama throws out first pitches in baseball like a little girl. I don't know how this makes him a bad president, but she seems to laud George W. Bush for his pitches. Too bad he was one of the worst Presidents in recent history. Also, Obama can ball. Like LeCarKobe Durant.

Lastly, Gilvary satirizes Joe Biden for claiming Health Care Reform is "a big fucking deal". I could make fun of Sarah Palin right here, but that would be too easy.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dear Jane

Jane Gilvary recently expressed inconspicuous disgust towards President Obama. This comes as no surprise to anybody. He is holding a "Summit on Entrepreneurship", which is intended to instill entrepreneurial ideals into attendees. But the main source of controversy is that all attendees must be Muslim.

Seems pretty harmless to me, but to Gilvary this comes as an outrage to her Fox News/ Teabagger ideals. She claims these ideas should not be spread to people that blew up financial centres in New York on September 11, 2001. I wouldn't want to give these people education either, but there is a flaw in her logic. Gilvary seems to assume that all Muslims are terrorists, just like all Christians are Aryan-supremacists, right? If she wants to see all Muslims as Osama bin Laden, why can't Muslims see her as Adolf Hitler?

Secondly, Gilvary seems to be stuck on this notion that Islam is not a religion of peace. While this isn't entirely false, she needs to take a look at her own religion. While Jesus may preach peace, Christianity is by no means a peaceful religion. Just like how the majority of Muslims are peaceful, so are the majority of Christians. But no one can refute the violence of the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, persecution by other sects of Christians during the reformation and counter-reformation, the colonial conquests, and the African slave trade.

Christians insist on spreading their religion by forcing others to convert. If I may, I will use the signature "Gilvary Bible quote".

"And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled." (Luke 14:23)

Meanwhile, the Qu'ran states:
"There is no compulsion in religion." ( 2:256 )

It shouldn't take a rocket-scientist, or an 11th grade AP English teacher to realize that Christians are the ones that ruthlessly spread their religion, not Muslims. But then again, this women did likely vote for the Bush's, a family which has great business interests and friendship with another notorious family, the bin Laden's.

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Letter of Concern

Recently I received a letter from an American counterpart about the picture on the right. He was concerned that White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is acting un-American. The letter reads...

"Dear Navin,

Our country is under siege. The Canadians are coming the Canadians are coming. One if by land, two if by sea. Don't tread on us Canada. Give us liberty, or give us death.

Sincerely, Uncle Sam."

Relax Uncle Sam, the Canadians are not attacking the United States. The only time we will attack is if you are on the other team in the hockey rink. But there are some things you should be concerned about. For example, when you import oil, you aren't funding terrorists in the Middle East. You are funding the next generation of gold medal curling squads. You aren't funding jihad. You are funding something much more powerful than religion, hockey. Your money for oil is going to Canada, the leading exporter to the United States.

And for the picture above, it was merely a bet that some Parliament and White House officials made. Note to Americans: Don't bet against Canada in hockey. Your country isn't under siege ... yet.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ten Canadians Who Make the World Better

10. Howie Mandel. Deal or No Deal? This famous Canuck and Germophobe has the pleasure of calling out 26 supermodels on the NBC show. Mandel has been featured in many different forms of entertainment, and received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2008.

9. Seth Rogen. The unofficial pothead that is officially Canadian comic has changed the scene of Hollywood funnies. After writing Superbad and starring in Knocked Up, Seth Rogen gained fame as a household name throughout the country continent.

8. Celine Dion. Bien que nous sachions tout le Québec ne fait pas partie du Canada, Celine Dion apporte encore la liste. Le chanteur de langue française a acquis une renommée internationale avec de nombreuses chansons en haut et montre à Las Vegas. Sa chanson "My Heart Will Go On" est devenu très populaire avec son inclusion dans Titanic. (Of course I used Google Translate)

7. Steve Nash. The South African born naturalized Canadian citizen became famous with his skills in the game his fellow Canuck James Naismith invented, basketball. Even as a two time MVP of the league and one of the best passers in the game, Nash's skills do not cease on the court. He involves himself in charity work and demonstrates his acting skills in endorsements with companies such as Vitamin Water and Nike. He even films his own shorts while on the flights to NBA arenas.

6. William Shatner. The actor made himself famous as Captain Kirk in the television series Star Trek. Since then, Shatner has acted and had cameos in many other shows. But his most notable works are obviously the Travelocity commercials.

5. Pamela Anderson. The former playmate and Baywatch star is a true Canadian sex symbol. While she did have some success as a model, she is better known for stints with Bret Michaels and Tommy Lee which were subsequently circulated around the internet. However her most memorable moment was her getting married Kazakh-style with Borat.

4. James Cameron. Creator of movies that put moviegoers in tears and mesmerized them with large aliens, Cameron is one of the most successful directors and producers. With works such as The Terminator, Titanic, and Dancing with Smurfs Avatar, he has made a lot of loonies.

3. Micheal J. Fox. Not only an Emmy-winning actor, Fox is a highly venerated optimist and philanthropist. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 1991 but that has not slowed him down one bit. Fox has overcome adversity and uses his fame to fund Parkinson's research and increase awareness.

2. Tim Hortons. If you have ever been in Canada and didn't see a Tim Hortons, you weren't in Canada. The coffee and doughnut shop is about 30% of the average Canadian's diet. Since it opened in 1964, Tim Hortons has added everything from ice-cappuccinos to soup on its menu. The only thing lacking from the selection is poutine, but don't worry, they'll get there.

1. Wayne Gretzky. Not just good. Not just great. The Great One. The best ever. Put a town called Edmonton on the map. Placed a whole country in disbelief, on the day, the day Wayne was traded. It is rumored that Gretzky is the son of God, has turned water into maple syrup, has walked on water (but only of course when its warm enough in Ontario). None of these have been proven true, but he did play pond hockey with 10-year olds when he was only six, he did score over 1,000 goals including playoffs, and he was a lighter of one of the three out of four cauldron elements that rose in Vancouver. What I'm trying to say is ... he's Jesus.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of Disunion

As President Obama presented his idealistic speech last night, I was wondering how the Republicans would respond. Aside from my observations of Republicans refusing to applaud, which they have the right to, I decided I would carefully analyze the Republican response. It is always interesting to compare and contrast the interests of the two parties.

If you chose to take advantage of the embedded video above, you probably noticed some peculiarities in the presentation. I understand that making a minority response is one of the toughest things to do in politics, but some things felt awkward.

First, Gov. McDonnell (R-VA) who gave the response, is no orator. His emotional appeal falls well short of what President Obama is able to achieve. Now I didn't expect Brutus to revive himself in the form of Gov. McDonnell, but the contrast in oratorical abilities between Obama and McDonnell is vast.

Did anyone else notice the racial make-up of the two attendees right behind the Governor? A black woman to the left, and an Asian man to the right, each appearing directly behind McDonnell and their faces were in full view for the majority of the speech. Now I'm not a racist nor do I profile others, but those individuals were unequivocally placed there to enhance the GOP's image. Now I did some research, and Wikipedia reports that Virginia is 72.4% white, which is quite diverse when compared to many regions of the country. While I do believe in moderate political correctness, this is excessive. The GOP is trying to expand its reach to new groups, but merely seeing someone of your race will not influence you enough to change your values. However, the attempt was futile in that it can be seen clearly that all but a few of the attendees were white when the camera panned out.

After I noted the unusual racial makeup behind the Governor, I realized the applause was lackluster. It almost seems that the audience was paid to clap. They insisted on clapping after every point, as if they were having a contest with the audience in Washington. I don't know about the attendees in Richmond last night, but I clap when a point valid, not because I am trying to outdo my opponent in a competition.

Lastly, the size of the Virginia House of Delegates is tiny compared to the one on Capitol Hill. Not that I am suggesting it should be rebuilt, but it just can't compare. I love the Greco-Roman architecture all throughout Virginia, but maybe the GOP could have requested that the cameras don't pan all the way out.

Regardless of the realistic limitations, the Republicans took many interesting risks. But the overall theme of this attempt can be summarized in one word: pathetic.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm out for dead Prime-Ministers to represent me

"From Ottawa to Washington
Politics are disconnected
Senators serving personal interests
Like the practices of East Berlin

Obama in the Oval Office
Harper on Parliament Hill
Shaking hands, kissing babies
But their policies are ill"

As I thought about how dissatisfied I was with politicians, I created the rhyme above. Whether you are Pro-Harper or Pro-Obama, conservative or liberal, sane or insane (respectively),  you have to have some sort of dissatisfaction with politics. While we elect politicians to represent our viewpoints, we are left to wonder whose side they are on.

I decided to read Obama's Audacity of Hope. Fine, I had to read it, and it provided insight into political life. Obama claims he and his fellow politicians work hard. But how can I trust his claim?

I would like to think the President of the most powerful country in the world is right. I hope his assertion that the money that taxpayers pay to politicians is well worth it. But I cannot help but doubt. Health care has been in proposal for a significant time now, and only recently was it passed. Moreover, many liberals have indicated this bill is far from perfect.

Until Obama turns our great continent into one of socialism, I'm out for dead Prime-Ministers to represent me.

Corn-Pone Opinions

"Recently, Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown won the late Ted Kennedy’s Massachusetts Senate seat in a landslide. Aside from this being a huge kick in the ass for the failing Democrats, something much bigger is happening here. The Republican Party is back and health care reform is thankfully dead. For the majority of sane Americans (Republicans), this was terrific news. But of course the socialist mainstream media couldn’t hold back its degenerative rant. But I am hopeful that the media will soon be wowed by the audacity of the conservative values of this country.

I am hopeful that the Republicans will take back the Senate and House in 2010 and destroy the Democrats for good. The socialistic narcissist Ted Kennedy’s death was unfortunate but timely. Scott Brown successfully annihilated health care reform and will soon expose and ruin the Democratic, I mean democratic, plans to transform the US to Nazi-style government. It has long been known that everyone is born a conservative-Republican-Christian, but somehow the forces of evil turn some people into liberal-Democratic-Satanists. Scott Brown marks the end of this.

I am hopeful that Ronald Reagan will rise from the dead like Jesus did and become President once more, forever. Ronald “the Savior” Reagan was the only sinless mortal other than Jesus Christ. He will soon return and carry all the Republicans into Heaven, with Scott Brown leading the way.

I am hopeful that Sarah Palin will find Bin Laden and torture the shit out of him, starting with an easy session of water boarding. After that she will justly brand every square inch of his body and poke him with needles until he bleeds out of his eyes. When the media tries to say these interview techniques are “torture” Palin will have to stop (but we’ll keep cheering her on).

And finally I am hopeful that the Mexicans will all go home and realize they like Mexico better and they were being mean by stealing jobs from White People Of European Descent. The gays, lesbians, and transgender will realize they are high too much and like the wrong body parts. The radical Muslims will convert to Christianity and adopt Reaganism and drop Husseinism. And finally, the Democrats will all realize they are gay and suck at risk-taking in the Middle East.

I am hopeful and positive all this will happen now that Scott Brown has saved Massachusetts from destruction"

I came across the aforementioned passage when an author who wishes to remain anonymous sent it to me. As a moderately liberal aka Socialist aka Nazi aka Satanist, I found this contrasting viewpoint highly intriguing.

Note: The quoted passage no way reflects the views of NONA.

The Music of Denigration

Christian Rock is making a comeback. The West Chester based band "The Field People" is appearing on the local music scene. Playing gigs in local restaurants such as the Iron Hill Brewery and Doc Magrogran's, West Chester is restoring the appeal of contemporary religious music.

Now while I am all in favor of people having fun, enjoying music while experiencing religious revival, Christian Rock has one problem. It sucks.

I do not wish ill to "The Field People", but there is something awkward about preaching while hitting the whammy bar and banging on drums. Music itself today has regressed in quality. Rap has turned from creative expression to "niggas fucking bitches and getting paid", and rock has morphed from peace, love, and happiness to "aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhh" (screamo).

I can understand why some enjoy religious music. It engrosses the spirit through gentle chanting, prayer, or song. But trying to appeal to modern audiences through crappy rock will not work. Before you call me a pagan rock-worshiping savage, realize how bad this music is.

Sure its a drunk Irish guy with a heavy accent satirizing Christian rock, but don't tell me he doesn't have a valid point.