Sunday, January 24, 2010

Corn-Pone Opinions

"Recently, Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown won the late Ted Kennedy’s Massachusetts Senate seat in a landslide. Aside from this being a huge kick in the ass for the failing Democrats, something much bigger is happening here. The Republican Party is back and health care reform is thankfully dead. For the majority of sane Americans (Republicans), this was terrific news. But of course the socialist mainstream media couldn’t hold back its degenerative rant. But I am hopeful that the media will soon be wowed by the audacity of the conservative values of this country.

I am hopeful that the Republicans will take back the Senate and House in 2010 and destroy the Democrats for good. The socialistic narcissist Ted Kennedy’s death was unfortunate but timely. Scott Brown successfully annihilated health care reform and will soon expose and ruin the Democratic, I mean democratic, plans to transform the US to Nazi-style government. It has long been known that everyone is born a conservative-Republican-Christian, but somehow the forces of evil turn some people into liberal-Democratic-Satanists. Scott Brown marks the end of this.

I am hopeful that Ronald Reagan will rise from the dead like Jesus did and become President once more, forever. Ronald “the Savior” Reagan was the only sinless mortal other than Jesus Christ. He will soon return and carry all the Republicans into Heaven, with Scott Brown leading the way.

I am hopeful that Sarah Palin will find Bin Laden and torture the shit out of him, starting with an easy session of water boarding. After that she will justly brand every square inch of his body and poke him with needles until he bleeds out of his eyes. When the media tries to say these interview techniques are “torture” Palin will have to stop (but we’ll keep cheering her on).

And finally I am hopeful that the Mexicans will all go home and realize they like Mexico better and they were being mean by stealing jobs from White People Of European Descent. The gays, lesbians, and transgender will realize they are high too much and like the wrong body parts. The radical Muslims will convert to Christianity and adopt Reaganism and drop Husseinism. And finally, the Democrats will all realize they are gay and suck at risk-taking in the Middle East.

I am hopeful and positive all this will happen now that Scott Brown has saved Massachusetts from destruction"

I came across the aforementioned passage when an author who wishes to remain anonymous sent it to me. As a moderately liberal aka Socialist aka Nazi aka Satanist, I found this contrasting viewpoint highly intriguing.

Note: The quoted passage no way reflects the views of NONA.